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Snag Pool - islands and quiet bays.

the big pit with fish to match

This water is around 7 acres in size, containing 10 swims a couple of which are doubles, it has two car parks, giving easy access to all the swims.

There are two islands, two bays, lily pads and some overhanging trees, depths average 6ft but do go to 8ft in places. The lake bed is mainly silt, though there are some hard spots. There is a fairly large head of Carp - most of which are at least 20lb with some of the "A" team going 35lbs plus.

Standard carp tactics, plus watercraft, are all that are usually required to land these inhabitants. Certain bait and tackle bans are in place to ensure the welfare of the fish, as they are across the whole complex, so please check the Rules and Bye-laws before commencing fishing for the first time.

snag pool mapsnag pool


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